Auto Insurance
Insurance for your Automobiles!

The RP Wheeler Insurance Agency, LLC understands that price is important. You work hard for your money and you don't want to spend any more than you have to on insurance. We agree. That's why we work hard for you - to get you the best possible price...but to get you that price without having to sacrifice the best possible coverage.

Look at it this way - when you're jumping out of an airplane, you don't want the cheapest parachute! You want the best! When you consider that your auto policy is what protects your assets from a major lawsuit and protects your assets when there are large medical bills from an injury, you want the best auto protection!

Let the RP Wheeler Insurance Agency, LLC help you get the best auto insurance coverage and price in the Central New York Finger Lakes area. For a quick quote, select the quote you'd like from the drop down list on the left.

To Learn more about Personal Auto Insurance, click on one of the following links:

Toll Free: (1-877-896-9702) :.
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